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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 07:41)

Do you sweat when you do yoga

I just want to know if you sweat when you do yoga. Personnaly i do a lot of very vigorous and difficult yoga so when i finish my yoga session my mat is always very very wet.

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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 06:10)

yoga once a week still benefical?

Took a couple yoga classes and LOVED it. However I don't exactly have the time to do it more than once a week as I do weight training the rest of the week and like focusing on that more. I heard yoga was a good thing to add if you do those kind of workouts. So is doing yoga once a week enough to get those benefits? Or should I be doing it more to really get anything out of it?

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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 06:59)

favorite yoga pose

I just want to know what is your favorite yoga pose and for how many time you can hold that pose. (Personnaly my favorite yoga pose is crow pose and i can hold it for 85 seconds).

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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 08:00)

The magazine’s satirical article about “yoga challenges” holds some truths—but not the ones the editors probably intended.

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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 07:53)

Karma Samyama Practices

I am really interested in attaining high levels of consciousness, and thus I want to start practicing Karma Samyama. Do you know any free resources I can start with?

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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 10:05)

5min Stretch & Manifest. Total beginner yoga at home. Feel your beauty, heart, body & soul.

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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 06:24)

My expirience with the Happy with yoga academy

I have been using this program for over 3 months now. I must say that I am suprised with how the results turned out. It really helped me coming back to life so I thougt I might share it with you all. It does cost €37 but it is worth every bit of it. [\_Nidra\_-\_Happy\_with\_Yoga/39703/117411](

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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 06:37)

Things to focus on whilst umbilical hernia resolves?

Not looking for medical advice or on how to resolve - doc advised waiting 7 days to see if it resolves on its own and if not then will be getting referred to surgeon. Since I am going to be *very* limited on asanas I thought now I’d the perfect opportunity to focus more on the other aspects of yoga, I also need to stay limber in other parts of my body, so has anyone got any suggestions for what I can be doing until my hernia resolves/gets looked at? I am thinking mantra, meditation, light pranayama. Working on hamstrings (they’ve always been short) and hip opening. Any other suggestions or specifics I can look into doing? I am trying to stay grateful for this period of time but also keep it productive. Thanks in advance!

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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 05:51)

AMA (as a co-meditator) - Shambhavi worked for me after 2 years of continuous practice!

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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 07:56)

Which is the best slow-paced yoga style? Yin vs Restorative Yoga

Did you know that Yin yoga and restorative yoga are not the same things? Set the alarm off! Many folks don’t!  However, despite their apparent similarities, these styles of yoga are highly distinct. The practices appear to be similar on the surface; they both include prolonged stays,, are slow and introverted activities, and place more emphasis on slowly expanding the body than on dynamic movement. Which of these yoga poses should you select if you want to unwind and decompress? So, Yin vs Restorative Yoga – let us understand these styles in detail. [Read more]( ​

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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 09:26)

yoga talk

If you want to talk with me about anything that is in relation with yoga message me. I would love to have a conversation with you about. We could speak for hours if you want. Message me if you want to speak. :)

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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 11:26)

what is you're favorite type of pants to do yoga ?

I just want to know what is you're favorite type of pants when you do yoga. Personnaly i always do yoga in flared pants.

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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 06:23)

Happy with Yoga academy

I have been using this program for over 3 months now. I must say that I am suprised with how the results turned out. It really helped me coming back to life. So I thougt I might share it with you all. It does cost €37 but it is worth every bit of it. [\_Nidra\_-\_Happy\_with\_Yoga/39703/117411](

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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 02:32)

Are rest days important for muscle building Yoga routines?

Been practicing some Muscle building routines and ive been loving them, been really helping my anxiety and overall just making me feel good, im relatively new to this whole thing so im curious of the importance of rest days whether there recommend or not? Feeling a few aches today after doing some the past few days and im just curious whether i should give it a rest for a day or so, thank you!

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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 02:00)

When you move your body early in the morning, you'll find stillness in your mind the rest of the day.

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Wowso is better on mobile app version!

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