Want to go Out just Once but Husband Won't Watch the Kids
It's been 4 years... 4 years since I've(29F) had my kids (oldest is 4) and my husband (32M) refuses to watch the kids so I can go out with friends or my brother. And I know you'd say "just leave and go out" but this is literally what he does... Sees me getting into shower, leaves in the car and doesn't come back. I hear kids crying, get out and then can't leave because well... No one is home. He is completely controlling my life and using the kids to do it. I'm so exhausted, never get a break, and frankly I don't love him. I actually hate him. I feel like I don't have enough mental stamina to leave him. I just want to lay in bed and look at the ceiling for hours. That's all I want. ​ Not really looking for any solutions... Just venting. Thanks moms.
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Best app to track baby feedings and changings
Hi! FTM in the US due on May 17th. What is the best app for tracking feedings and diaper changes? My pediatrician requires this data for the first 3 months and think it would be easier to use an app rather than taking notes between my partner and I. *We have considered Talli Baby Tracker but don’t know of anyone personally who has used this so we’re a little hesitant. If you have used it, I’d love to hear from you. Thank you for any recommendations!
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2yo disciplined at daycare
Today a daycare worker had cautiously told us of what happened yesterday at the daycare. She had said that her coworker was sitting in a chair with my son behind her back as she pinned him against the back of the seat. When approached, she said she is doing it because our 2yo son wouldn't stop crying. This is when our son was taken from her and was told it wasn't right of her to handle it that way. Her reaponse was "don't tell me how to discipline children". I feel like dragging this woman by the hair, but I know that isn't proper discipline for this worker. My issue is, how upset should I be? Since this HAG started working there, we have noticed a lot of different behaviors in our son. We were slowly starting to realize an issue with that particular woman, but it was all just gut feeling until now. Thoughts?
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Maternity leave question
Hi everyone! I’m not really sure where to ask this question so i figured I’d give it a shot here. Could anyone explain maternity leave to me? I’m in the US, finishing up my PhD. We want to have a baby asap when I’m done, and my doctor recommended having my nexplanon removed 8-12 months ahead of when we want to start trying to start getting my cycle established again (I have PCOS and have been on bc for 10 years). I have been pretty confused about how maternity leave works through reading. I’ve been trying to get a grasp on it since that could influence when we start trying. I’m not sure what state we will be living in when I’m finished with my PhD, but I’ll definitely be working at a college/university if that makes any sort of difference. What’s the basic difference between waiting to have worked 1 year at your job before going on mat leave versus not?
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Guilt that comes with tiny babies
My 5m baby boy was born 5.5lbs and is still tiny and in the 1-2 percentile. I know he’s growing according to his chart, he’s super active, ahead of milestones and is the sweetest little button. I’m mostly BF with 1-2 bottles of formula/pumped milk at night. He feeds well (according to our IBCLC) and I make enough milk just for him. I can’t help but feel terrible and guilty whenever I see other chunky babies. It doesn’t help how others talk about how tiny he is or how light weight he is. I know other babies who had latching issues/weren’t feeding well and yet still bigger than my baby. My partner is super supportive and has probably heard me complain a thousand times. How do I shake this guilt off?
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Anyone else's 10 month old get a sudden wild spell?
It seems like my LO turned 10 months old and now she's always just acting wild. Making these growling noises, super energetic, screeching, just a wild woman that is always ON like a flip of the switch all of a sudden. I guess she's learning so much and is just super excited. Would love to hear your experiences of your LO and how they're all of a sudden giving you a run for your money. Send help!
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Late to the solids…
My wife and I were trying to get our now 12 mo onto solids for months but we were either not consistent enough or scared of choking. Now he is about to turn 1 and he turns away from any solids we put in front of him, he doesn’t like getting his hands dirty so he won’t even pick it up most times. We were worried before because he wouldn’t chew even his snacks like lil crunchies and at times would vomit. Any resources, recommendations, or experience in this area?
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how to stop being so resentful
anyone else just SO resentful of their partner? constantly exhausted. i do all childcare, cleaning, work full time, etc. I can’t even go to the store without asking meanwhile SO gets to just live his life the same. he does try to help but being the default parent is just draining. I guess after 9 months of it that I’m just starting to hit my limit. sometimes it feels like I have 2 kids to take care of instead of 1. we haven’t spent quality time together in months, I have 0 desire to be intimate, & enjoy days when he’s out the house. I hate feeling this towards him And advice on how to deal with this resentment or make this situation better?
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Stomach sensitivity 6 weeks PP ?
Hello everyone- wanting to see if anyone else experienced this or not.. about 6 weeks PP from vaginal birth and it seems like a lot of things I eat now my stomach hurts. Not severe but mild to moderate and enough to diminish my appetite in the middle of the day most times. I was dairy free and gluten free prior and have been maintaining that diet and not eating anything I didn’t eat before.. anyone else go through this? Is my stomach just going back to normal too haha
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Just telling the truth
Im asian. And for some reason people in family seem to try and get my 6 month old's baby attention by clicking and whistling in her face. Repeat loud clicking. Stomping. Loud noises What the ...? What? Were you dropped on the head or something? Even in the maternity ward, I heard other parents clicking to their child. Please, for the love of god. Its okay to tell your child verbally you love them. Seriously its okay. Just stop clicking in their face! P.s whoever did that is banned from seeing her. My daughter isnt a dog. If you need therapy go get it before demanding a baby love you. Jeez.
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4 month old huge appetite for purées
Everything online says start with 1-2 tsps of purées, and most sites suggest waiting until 6 months. Our pediatrician suggesting starting solids (our LO is 3rd percentile for weight), and he absolutely LOVES EATING. Gulps down the food and is so happy. Anyone else experience this? I feel like I am leaving him hungry after a few tablespoons, and he is still breastfeeding great. But also don’t want to mess up his tummy too much. I try to feed him a bit of prunes every sitting to help his digestion.
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My 1 year old prefers grandma?
Hi all - sahm spiraling a bit here. My 1 year old loves her grandma and grandpa and I love that she does but a couple days ago we were at the park and my toddler fell over and I picked her up to console her and while in my arms immediately reached for my mom. I’m trying not to let it get to me but I just feel like I’m doing something wrong and that my toddler loves her grandma more than me. Has anyone experienced this? Am I crazy? For reference she sees her grandma and grandpa about once or twice a week and I’m usually there too so it’s not like she spends more time with them.
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How to deal with mom guilt
I have a four month old baby, and from the moment she was born, I am always questioning whether or not I'm a good mom for her. It brings me to tears sometimes when the guilt gets to me. I'm always questioning whether or not I'm playing with her enough, whether or not she's happy enough, whether or not I'm helping her develop into a happy and healthy kid. And then the screen time. I'm a SAHM, and when I need a few minutes to eat or clean, sometimes I will put on Hey Bear. Some people REALLY look down on me for exposing her to the screen so young. Also, she's combo fed, and I've gotten some snarky comments about why I'm not EBF. In the back of my mind, I know she's fed, clean, and entertained when she's awake. But there's still that nagging in the back of my head that I'm not enough for her, and it REALLY hurts. I know a lot of other moms experience this feeling as well. HOW do you deal with the guilt?? I have not been diagnosed with PPD/PPA.
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How much caffeine is safe during pregnancy (and breastfeeding?)
This might be a silly question, but I hope to have a second child in the near future, and I fear my dependency on caffeine has become high. Most research I can find says that 300mg a day or less is safe, but then there are a few outliers. I'll do whatever it takes to have a safe, smooth pregnancy and a healthy baby afterwards. I also now have asb active toddler, and I find that I am happier and have lots more energy if I can drink 1-2 cups a day. With my first pregnancy, I only drank one cup every other day, and that's also true for the first several months of breastfeeding. But... I'd really like to safely drink more. So my question is, how much is safe?
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What’s the point of moping around the house?
I have the very rare day off today. Husband has stated all week that he had to go to work today. I was actually excited to finally have the house to myself. He decided that he didn’t need to go into work. I mentioned that if he didn’t need to go to work, I would love to go on date or spend some quality time together since it’s the one of the few times we will won’t have to search for childcare. He quickly shut that down. Instead he’s going to do work here. I’m so fucking pissed. I directly told him how I felt we haven’t spent a lot of quality time together lately and he still won’t do anything. Now he’s pissed, and moping around the house trying to “clean”. I just don’t understand if you were just going to work, why you couldn’t fucking do that at work!
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