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3 years ago

(Jul 25, 2022 09:15)

Ex “crunchy” mom needs reassurance

Hi friends! I have successfully left the “crunchy” world after a few years (my dad was also anti-vax which absolutely did not help) and am taking my 4.5yo for his first covid shot tomorrow… he’s getting Moderna. I am a nervous wreck. Yes, I know it’s the right choice, been tested, etc. but I cannot shake the years of anti vax indoctrination. I need reassurance that this is indeed the right choice from science minded parents. Please be kind - it’s been a long road! I appreciate this community!

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3 years ago

(Jul 25, 2022 06:44)

Why does my 6 month old cry when I sit and hold her, and gets happy when we stand? Anyone else experience this?

It’s a cruel prank when you’re exhausted

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3 years ago

(Jul 25, 2022 06:54)

Positive daycare experiences/perspective?

LO is 3 months and will start daycare in about a month and a half. Obviously I’m having all the mom worry about it, and I am in a loop of hearing horror stories. We can’t afford to stay home as much as I wish I could. So basically, if you have a positive perspective or story about daycare I’d love to hear it!

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3 years ago

(Jul 25, 2022 07:14)

4 year old drinks too little

Anyone out here have a little one who just simply won't drink enough of anything? Whether it be water or juices, it is a struggle to get enough liquids in her. She eats fine, but after a big meal will literally have a sip of water. It is a struggle to get her to urinate 4 times a day. Usually, 3 is all she does. She had a blood test for an unrelated illness, and it showed a trace amount of ketones and protein, which we read could indicate dehydration. Anyone with a similar story who can offer advice or comfort? My daughter is otherwise healthy... very intelligent and active.

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3 years ago

(Jul 25, 2022 08:21)

What is the parenting thing you started doing that you wish you never had?

Ours relates to bedtime routine. It’s gotten longer and longer and now involves reading and then at least 3 or 4 ‘non-book stories’ that we have to make up on the spot. Why did we ever start this?

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3 years ago

(Jul 25, 2022 06:00)

Regularly integrate culturally responsive critical thinking into the content you're already teaching with the following three strategies. @ColinESeale @cultofpedagogy

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3 years ago

(Jul 25, 2022 07:30)

🖊️A family agreement is a great way to discuss Internet use at home. ⏱️Time spent online ⚠️ Sharing 💻Content 💬Communicating ℹ️Getting help Using the Webwise Family Agreement template is a helpful way to start. ↪️

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3 years ago

(Jul 25, 2022 07:25)

Is the SAHP responsible for most of the house and kiddo workload??

I’m the SAHP and lately I feel like I’m responsible for everything having to do with the house and our kiddo. My husband will do his own laundry but everything else seems to be my tasks. Cleaning, vacuuming, dishes, cat litter clean up, dog poop clean up, trash day, kiddos laundry and room cleaning/organizing… the list goes on. And this weekend it just felt like the need to get our daughter dressed, answer/go to her when she needed help, getting bedtime started, was a choice for my husband. Because if he says no then obviously I’m the one who will take care of it. I can’t help but feel like because I’m not the one bringing in money, it’s on me to take care of everything else. How do you guys handle dividing out some of the tasks? Do you create a schedule where one parent has to handle certain things while the other parent has an “off” day? Also, how do you keep on schedule? I feel like we aren’t great at staying consistent with things… TIA!

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3 years ago

(Jul 25, 2022 07:18)

Parent sleep better with baby out of room?

Wondering if people have found they slept better when they moved their baby into their own room? I find that I’m in such a light sleep during the night and not rested at all. Or did you find you slept worse because you weren’t close/worried? My LO is 3.5 months and I’m thinking in the next two weeks we will transition to his own room.

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3 years ago

(Jul 25, 2022 08:33)

Any parents out there who’s kids have adhd?

My son is 5 and ever since he started pre k last year he was always in trouble every single day. Now that school is out he is in daycare and he’s only been going for 5 days now and he has not had one good day. He’s always hitting, biting, spitting, not listening to the teachers, hissing at them when they tell him to do something, loses his mind whenever anyone tries to touch him to get him to listen or do what he’s supposed to. I punish him, take everything he enjoys away. I don’t yell, or hit him ever. I’m nervous for when he starts kindergarten because he just can’t sit still or listen to any direction given to him. He hasn’t been diagnosed but every time I talk to anyone they say it could be adhd. I’m just at a loss here as it affects me at work and my working schedule. I’m embarrassed and I feel terrible for everyone who has to deal with him.

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3 years ago

(Jul 25, 2022 11:18)

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3 years ago

(Jul 25, 2022 06:58)

A car that can fit a car seat rear facing behind driver?

My S/O and I only have 1 little one right, but are looking to grow in the near future. One issue that I see is that our current vehicle (2015 Honda CRV) can't fit our Nuna Rava rear facing behind the driver seat, while allowing me enough room to comfortably drive. My S/O has driving anxiety so we can't switch drivers. So the plan will be to replace our older vehicle with a new one that can fit both car seats. The problem is that my preliminary research seems to indicate that this is exceedingly difficult to find. Has anybody solved this issue?

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3 years ago

(Jul 25, 2022 08:37)

I am so burned out

I can't do this any more. I've stopped cooking any dinner that takes the smallest amount of effort or even cleaning. Half of the groceries don't even get put away any more, they just sit on the counter unless they need to be refrigerated. I don't want to play with my kid, I don't want to be near my husband, and I haven't been responding to friends or family at all. I've been telling my husband, for weeks, that I need just an entire day to myself. One day, one fucking day, without hearing any crying, without having to take care of his fucking grown ass, without having to take care of everyone but myself. I want to be home alone. I want to be selfish and only do the things I want to do. I want to sit and play a video game for an entire day without being interrupted. I just want one day for myself. Alone. At home. In my bed. That's all I want and yet it feels like the most impossible dream.

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3 years ago

(Jul 25, 2022 07:35)

Baby put himself to sleep while just playing in the bassinet

So, I know this could be a good thing (or not) but today I was doing some chores in the kitchen with my 5 month old LO in the bassinet under my watch. I always chat with him and make eye contact often and smile and he smiles back. But I noticed he didn't smile at me and I didn't think much of it, busied myself in work and then when I looked again, he had gone to sleep? I found this strange as he has never done this before and often gets cranky and needs me to put him to sleep. He napped for a good 45 mins. Is this how they grow up lol?

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3 years ago

(Jul 25, 2022 06:52)

When choosing diaper sizes..

Do u base it off look or recommended pounds on the packaging? My 4MO is 13 pounds but the Luvs size 2 looks so tiny on him! He’s already peed thru 2 today.

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Wowso is better on mobile app version!

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