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3 years ago

(Aug 18, 2022 11:00)

The IRS announced that educators can deduct up to $300 for their classroom necessities when they file their federal income tax returns next year. It's the first time the annual limit has increased since 2002. @marina_pitofsky @USATODAY

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3 years ago

(Aug 18, 2022 06:37)

I can’t take it anymore—daycare colds

I know. I know this has been asked about, written about, and ranted about. I get that my kid will be sick a lot in their first year of daycare. But we’re 11 months in and it is not letting up. I would give almost anything for it to just be my kid. I have a flexible work schedule and I can take care of him when he needs to be home. But what I can’t do is be sick MYSELF for 20 days out of the month for 11 months. In july-august alone I’ve had bronchitis, walking pneumonia, regular pneumonia, covid and now a cold that is traveling into my chest. It’s destroying my mental health. It’s destroying me. HOW can I stop getting my toddler’s colds? WHY do I, the mom, get sick more and more often that my husband? I’m getting in-depth immunity blood work done, a CT of my sinuses, I’m even going to see a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine—but I keep missing appointments because I’m sick. For the love of god is there anything I can do???

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3 years ago

(Aug 18, 2022 07:08)

We just started solids. My son is OUTRAGED that I have to take the spoon out of his mouth in order to get a new bite of food.

Pretty sure he thinks the spoon is like a nipple and more food will magically appear if he keeps sucking on it.

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3 years ago

(Aug 18, 2022 07:07)

My 3yo pointed and said “check out this guy with a dot on his head!”

Wow, I was not prepared for that. We were at the grocery store with her little brother putting our cart away. I didn’t even see the man she pointed to at first, but I heard him chuckle. I must have turned bright red. I said, “oh, it’s ok sweetie, people wear different things and that’s good” because I was so distracted and caught off guard. Not my most eloquent moment. He said, “it’s for the prayer” and was very kind to her, but we are atheists and and she was even more confused by the mention of prayer. Finally I explained, “it’s for his religion, babe- his culture” and she seemed satisfied with that. Really wish I would have explained that it’s called a bindi, from Hindu, etc. But instead I was just unprepared and awkward. Now please tell me all the uncomfortable things your children have said to strangers.

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3 years ago

(Aug 18, 2022 06:01)

Advise people to know their insurance coverage for labor and delivery

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3 years ago

(Aug 18, 2022 10:17)

Dad fatigue doesn't add up

I am trying to understand dad fatigue. Whilst clearly tired, mother somehow keeps going and she remains awake for feeding, but dad just sleeps through it. Dad gets up to bring baby from cot to 'feeding station', burps and changes baby, but he sleeps so much more than her. How does Mother stay at it through the day whilst Dad struggles to walk in a straight line and has no choice but to go for wipeout naps that last an hour plus? I cannot makes sense of it. Any thoughts?

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3 years ago

(Aug 18, 2022 05:50)

I begged my boyfriend to get the COVID vaccine

He didn't. His mom in anti-vax, so he grew up with that rhetoric, though he isn't against all vaccines. He has OCD related to health, and he was afraid of the risks of myocarditis, and the newness of the vaccine technology. And now he's in the hospital for covid-related pneumonia. I can't be with him because my kids are at the house and can't exactly be alone while I sit in the ER with him. I feel helpless and so angry. There's nothing to be done now except wait, because one vaccine was so scary.

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3 years ago

(Aug 18, 2022 08:27)

😆Exactly when do I get to remind my friend/coworker who just gave birth that she said *this* to me when I was at home with my 2 month old?!? 😆

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3 years ago

(Aug 18, 2022 06:13)

How to get my toddler to stop drinking so much milk at night?

I have a 22 month old who absolutely loves whole milk. He drinks 1-2 sippy cups before bed. Usually wakes up at around 2-3AM crying and wanting another sippy cup before falling back asleep. And when he wakes up in the morning he wants another sippy cup (we’ve been holding off the urge to give him one and I think it’s working) I’ve read and have been told that he should not be drinking milk in the middle of the night because it’s bad for his teeth (we brush his teeth every single morning and night) and that we should ween him out of it but the kid knows what’s milk and what isn’t. We tried giving him water instead and he will not take it at all. We tried pouring 1/2 milk and water which didn’t work, 3/4 milk and 1/4 water also didn’t work. We’re at the point where we want to just let him cry it out but we also live with family who just had a baby so him crying will disturb the baby’s sleep. Any tips or advice would be great thank you!!

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3 years ago

(Aug 18, 2022 09:11)

Out of the mouths of little ones! When a teacher decided to ask his 6th graders what they like about their physical education and health classes, here's how they answered:

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3 years ago

(Aug 18, 2022 09:34)

A new study shows that everything from sports to home furnishings have been involved in an increasing number of traumatic brain injuries in kids.

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3 years ago

(Aug 18, 2022 09:00)

#Parents join us Wednesday, August 24, 8pm ET for a FREE informative webinar. Learn what parents and families can do to support their middle school student's mental health. Register Here: (All registrants will receive a FREE replay) #mentalhealthmatters

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3 years ago

(Aug 18, 2022 07:06)

Newborn help

My son is 3 weeks old, he was born at 36 weeks for reference. We are first time parents and struggling the past week. It seems like baby is restless and uncomfortable all the time. We are giving gas drops around the clock and a probiotic. He is EBF, no signs of allergy in his stool (may get it tested at his 4 week appt). The problem is, he eats, we sit him up due to reflux, then he sometimes falls asleep but does not appear to have any quality sleep. He wakes up shortly after and we start the process over again. He doesn’t really cry, but he whines and winces along with loud grunts. Any help/advice/support? 😥

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3 years ago

(Aug 18, 2022 09:30)

School went on lockdown

My kid's school went on lockdown today. Apparently there was a guy on the community bus threatening to take a gun to the highschool. Police locked down highschool and elementary school next door. Police helicopter was circling, cops everywhere. I have never been so scared in my life. My kid doesn't want to go back to school. I've been crying all day. I don't want this for my kids. I hate this country. I hate that it's ok for our kids to grow up with this as normal. I don't know. I'm all over the place. I just so tired and sad.

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3 years ago

(Aug 18, 2022 08:00)

Believe it or not, not all tantrums are created equal. .. There are TWO types of toddler temper tantrums, but spotting the difference can be tricky. However, knowing the difference is key because each one must be handled differently.

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