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3 years ago

(Sep 04, 2022 09:00)

For teachers like Jacob Johnson, the pandemic provided a catalyst to abandon reductive frameworks and the grading models associated with them. @KaraNewhouse

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3 years ago

(Sep 04, 2022 06:01)

Because . . . teenagers!

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3 years ago

(Sep 04, 2022 05:15)

Pick a bubble. Put your parenting worry on it. Kiss them good-bye. Just for now, or forever why not! Give yourself a break. You've done incredible things this week!

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3 years ago

(Sep 04, 2022 05:16)

I know I should be grateful but it is not that easy

Need to vent a little bit, not kid related. Today's my 35th birthday. I usually don't ever do anything with friends because it's always on a holiday weekend. I decided to do something this year and go to a local brewery and invite friends. This morning, all of them backed out and no one is coming except for one. My husband invited his friends but they're not really my friends and I don't know them well but it was a very sweet gesture from him. The one time where I plan something for myself and only one person can come, I know I am not 5 years old and shouldn't care this much but I am pretty sad. Maybe 2 friends actually wished me a happy birthday. I wish I didn't care and could just be grateful Maybe some liquid courage could help later. Vent over.

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3 years ago

(Sep 04, 2022 09:08)

“Students expressed that their institutions’ policies on sexual assault are taken less seriously if there are no consequences to committing sexual violence for either the perpetrator or enabling bystanders.”

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3 years ago

(Sep 04, 2022 05:32)

what do you do with all those school holidays and closures?

I have a newly minted kindergarten student and I am looking to go back to work soon after being SAHM for last 5 years. I'm looking at going back to going in a professional type roll, and hoping to find a WFH gig, but we'll see. Looking at the school calendar there are so many days off through the year. What do you do with your young kiddos? Mine is also an only and is not great at keeping herself occupied. Husband has a somewhat demanding job. Would love to hear how other families handle this. Thanks!

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3 years ago

(Sep 04, 2022 08:59)

Childcare and working parents: the struggles continue #chilcare #workingparents #worklife

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3 years ago

(Sep 04, 2022 06:00)

Despite the overall agreement on the value of higher education, many Americans are concerned about affordability. Only about half of a survey's respondents think Americans can get an affordable, high-quality education after high school. @PoojaSalhotra

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3 years ago

(Sep 04, 2022 05:33)

Teaching how to read “ea” words

I have my kid here and I’m trying to have her distinguish between when to use “eh” vs “ee” sounds when she sees “ea” in words. For instance Bear - the ea has an eh sound Ear - the ea has an ee sound Any rules or they just learn when to use each one naturally eventually? Thank you

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3 years ago

(Sep 04, 2022 05:19)

Medication and Vaccine Inserts

I got a nasty message for saying that a medication wasn’t actually studied in the pregnant population although it it’s frequently prescribed off-label to help with morning sickness. I wasn’t shaming anyone just saying why I chose not to take it but it struck a nerve. So just an FYI section 8 in any insert is “Use in Specific Populations.” You’d google medication + package insert. You can read the human data and animal data and any adverse outcomes for various populations. (Pregnant pediatric geriatric etc.) 😊

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67% up

3 years ago

(Sep 04, 2022 08:48)

Valentine’s Day ‘I’m Falling for You’ Handprint Tree Craft via @ParentingPatch #crafts #handprints

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3 years ago

(Sep 04, 2022 07:40)

The latest KiddyCharts Parenting Daily! Thanks to @DDReading #parenting #kids

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3 years ago

(Sep 04, 2022 05:06)

Son says he needs to get a short haircut for his new job.

My son recently got his first job at a grocery store (market basket if anyone knows it). He says he needs to get a short haircut (he has surfer hair now), he simultaneously doesn't seem happy about it but he says it's what he needs to do. I think it's ridiculous that a place like that requires males to have short hair, and I suggested he just tie it up and wait until someone says something. My husband on the other hand says it's good lesson because jobs will require all sorts of dress codes and sometimes you just need to go with it, which to me sounds like outdated advice. What should we advise my son to do?

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33% up

3 years ago

(Sep 04, 2022 05:35)

Should I be worried about a major slowdown in weight gain?

My son turned 4 months today. He was born a big baby — 9 pounds even and 22 inches. He has rapidly put on pounds and by 3 months at the beginning of August, he was 15 pounds, 15 oz (so literally an ounce under 16 pounds). That said, I weighed him today, and he’s only 16 pounds, 6 oz an entire month later. I kind of expected him to gain quite a bit more given he was gaining an average of higher than 2 pounds per month after birth. Is it normal for baby weight gain to sort of stall after 3 months, or do you think this could be a cause for concern to bring up to his pediatrician later this week?

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3 years ago

(Sep 04, 2022 05:08)

First aid kit

Trying to compile a first aid kit for the house, but with baby in mind. What are some essentials to have on hand? What items do you find useful if your kid is sick or hurt? Let me know! I’d love to hear from y’all

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50% up

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