So triggered by crunchy birth stories!
It’s four years since my emergency c section and yet one innocent FB post by a semi stranger about their peaceful perfect birth without any kind of pain relief makes my adrenaline SPIKE. It’s not that I want to deny anyone their own experience and the enjoyment of it; it’s just that I can help but feel that narratives indicating a birth can be perfect if you put enough effort into making it natural and ethereal can make those of us who didn’t ‘achieve’ that feel like we failed to try hard enough. Anyway, I try to remember that my birth was ideal because my kid is alive. Thanks for giving me space for this lil rant.
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When we position investment in counselors as the sole solution to addressing student trauma and mental health issues, we disregard the responsibility schools have to create healthier, more supportive environments. @EdSurge
Calling all #ECEs! Incorporating physical literacy into your day can be easy and inexpensive – and it brings such a range of benefits for everyone! Check out this webinar with Dawne Clark for more about how to get children moving again after the pandemic:
today it's confirmed!
Yexterday my wife showed me a positive pregnancy test. Today we got confirmation from Doctor! I'm super happy and excited about the upcoming time
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Baby cries “Amma”
My 2 MO cries “ammaaaaaaaah” when she is hungry. It’s so adorable. Amma is the word for mother in my native language. I’m super chuffed 🥰 just wanted to tell Reddit.
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little one breaking my heart
My toddler (3.7f) has had an awful day. I took her to her music class this morning and on the way she asked if her friend will be back this week. I was a bit confused as we've spoken several times about her friend not coming anymore as she's started school now. Toddler totally lost it sobbing that she's so sad that all her friends have left her (her 2 best friends in nursery also started school last month) and that she's so lonely because she doesn't have any friends left and honestly I can't stop crying thinking that she thinks it's something she's done that caused her friends to leave. We don't even live in the same city as her music class friend so can't arrange a playdate easily with them and I didn't ever meet her nursery friends parents as I work fulltime so my parents always did pick up so no way to contact them either I'm so sad for my baby
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How did you go back to school as a parent?
So I made the sudden decision to go back to school but don’t know how with an almost 2 year old. I’m currently earning credits externally(CLEP) and I have trouble focusing. Has anyone else gone through this? How did you get through courses? (I apologize if I don’t answer every single response but I do take note and upvote each one)
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Infant/child psychology author/book/textbook/website/article recommendations
So glad to have found this in the Reddit world. I’m a FTM of a 7 month old looking for evidence-based parenting guidelines. Difficult to wade through the info online. So essentially my question is in the title. I’d love to learn more about infant and child psychology so I can support my growing babe’s wellbeing. With my nursing background, i’m open to reading textbooks and scientific papers! So, which authors/ressources are your go-to’s? Thanks in advance!
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Amazing ideas for your outdoor space #landscaping #gardens
Good lesson or childhood trauma?
There's a video circulating [here]( showing a person in costume and a mask giving things to kids, then "kidnapping" the kid in front of the others when the child takes the item. The kids look traumatized. I understand the benefit of teaching your kids to not take things from strangers, but is this the right way to do it? I looked at the comments in the linked post and everyone seems to think it's hilarious. Am I wrong for thinking this is really damaging to those kids?
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If higher ed is an engine of opportunity, it's not enough to just get students to and through college. The bridge to a meaningful career has to be there too. @jryoung @EdSurge
We are missing our teenagers who have pulled away from us. We know this is what they do—what they’re supposed to do, even—but the separation we did not initiate leaves a void that’s hard to get used to." #parentingtips