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2 years ago

(Apr 21, 2023 05:54)

Starting at 50, too old? Trapped in own body?

Hey, apologies if this has been discussed, did a search but didn’t see this question asked. Two things really, hitting 50 soon and feel trapped in my own body, stiff, achey most days. Regular backache. Is this normal? Would yoga help and have I left it too late to start to have a meaningful stab at this? Come from a former bodybuilding background, years ago, which really did my health no favours. Probably about 28lb overweight, though it is coming down gradually. Which style if any would be best, how much and how often? Thoughts welcome 🙏

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2 years ago

(Apr 21, 2023 08:45)

what's the most dificult asana You have achive ?

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2 years ago

(Apr 21, 2023 07:33)

Trauma Informed Meditation

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2 years ago

(Apr 21, 2023 06:12)

Question about restarting Yoga

I was doing yoga regularly for over a year. I was doing between three and six days a week. For the last, I don't know, month or two I haven't been doing yoga due to a crazy schedule. I know that in the end I just need to restart and let it be what it is, but I worry that all my progress is gone. Will all the work I've done before help me get back there faster? Or is it a complete restart?

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2 years ago

(Apr 21, 2023 10:22)

Advice: where to get lightweight yoga clothes with good coverage?

Hi all, I will be doing a yoga course in Greece over the summer. I am currently looking for lightweight yoga pants (preferably more breathable than leggings). And I would like some lightweight layers that can be taken off as needed during practice. Everywhere I look online seems to only have over the top flowy designs or the material seems heavy. Would live some suggestions for simple, breathable clothes to mobilise in. Thanks in advance :)

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2 years ago

(Apr 21, 2023 08:26)


Hallo in den nächsten Wochen wirst du zu mehr Ruhe finden, deine Wahrnehmung schulen, eine Stärkung deiner Emotionsregulation erhalten und dir dein verbessertes Selbst erarbeiten. Aufmerksamkeitsregulation, Emotionsregulation und eine Veränderung im Selbsterleben sind die 3 magischen Schlüssel der Achtsamkeit. In diesem E-Book erfährst du auf über 60 Seiten alles zum Thema Achtsamkeit. Im ersten Teil geht es um wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und im zweiten bekommst du Achtsamkeitsübungen für 21 Tage. Du erhälst für jeden Tag eine Übung, deine Journalseite zur Reflexion und nach jeder Woche nochmals eine Wochenreflexion. Damit du das Maximale für dich aus diesem Kurs herausholst, nimm dir die Zeit und sei es dir selbst wert dies durchzuziehen. Ich verspreche dir, nach 3 Wochen wirst du den Unterschied spüren wirst.

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2 years ago

(Apr 21, 2023 10:39)

4 Hour relaxing rain sound with piano music, deep sleeping music, healing music for relaxation[04:00]

This is a calming, relaxing, meditative sleep music video! You can find more great peaceful music videos on my YouTube channel! Enjoy 😊 [04:00]

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2 years ago

(Apr 21, 2023 12:00)

[COMP] Fun with a Boat pose on a bridge

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2 years ago

(Apr 21, 2023 01:16)

Yoga taught me how to stand.

Srsly though. I’ve always had super shitty joints (some degree of hypermobility spectrum). I think it took 6 months of near-daily classes to learn what it means to “ground all four corners of your feet into the mat.” After some early one-leg standing poses about a month ago I think I felt my feet and felt grounded for the first time, ever. It sounds silly but it was pretty incredible, tbh. Since then I’ve worked on strengthening my ankles/feet and it’s improved my practice dramatically, mentally and physically. Tadasana will always be my favorite pose.

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2 years ago

(Apr 21, 2023 12:47)

Just wanted to share!

I just wanted to share something really cool that happened to me. I read all these posts and see all these videos about emotional releases during yoga but it had never happened to me (of course I always feel better during/after) but no big emotions. Yesterday I was the only one in class (impromptu private sesh I guess) lol and we were doing some breath work. While doing that I felt tears pricking the backs of my eyes! This has never happened to me before and I’m not a big cryer, but I felt so much release during my practice. I just wanted to share that cool little thing that my practice has brought me.

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2 years ago

(Apr 21, 2023 12:38)

Looking for like-minded people and people who could guide me.

I am from a muslim family and have been interested keenly in the hindu philosophy of advaita. Feeds my intellectual hunger in many ways. Even the concept of wahdatul wujud (a sufi concept) has many similarities with advaita vedanta. I have recently become a YSS devotee and am receiving lessons from them. I am following their meditative practices too and its helping me a lot. I practice islam, YSS meditation, occasionally go to lingayat mutts, ashrams etc and i feel so much connected to spirituality in general. Hence looking for people who could help me or guide me in this journey.

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2 years ago

(Apr 21, 2023 01:24)


Hello, I have been having wrist pain, so I’ve been doing some positions with fists instead of palms flat, is doing chaturanga with fists bad for any reason?

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2 years ago

(Apr 21, 2023 03:13)

[OC] I taught a creative and playful class this morning with a focus on moving intuitively. Let me know if you enjoy playing with these shapes!

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2 years ago

(Apr 21, 2023 03:15)

Review on rfmacademy

Hi, Anyone completed any online YTT from rfmacademy [RFM Yoga Academy]. They say their teachers are from Rishikesh. The google reviews are mostly positive but I want to know from this group. I am planning to enrol for 200 YTT. I did not find any reviews for this academy on the sub. If not this I am open for any other recommendations.

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2 years ago

(Apr 21, 2023 05:03)

11 Variations of Cobra Pose ~ Yoga Inspiration

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Wowso is better on mobile app version!

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