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3 years ago

(Sep 06, 2022 09:50)

Russia wants to buy millions of rockets and artillery shells from North Korea for its war against Ukraine, a sign that Western sanctions on its military and economy are starting to bite, US officials said

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3 years ago

(Sep 06, 2022 07:12)

In a study of 4,710 publicly traded firms from 2010, companies that downsized were twice as likely to declare bankruptcy as the ones that didn’t.

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3 years ago

(Sep 06, 2022 10:20)

My employee is hinting that they want to be paid for extra training they do in their own time.

This is only my third employee so I don't have much experience. I recently hired a secretary to do basic paperwork and customer support tasks. She is remote, so we just record her hours on a calendar and total it up at the end of each week. Recently, she started writing her hours and also hours she spends outside of work doing emails or reading the standards of practice we have sent her at the beginning. She has also mentioned in chat a few times something like: "I spent 7 hours yesterday going through work notes!" and she later put her actual work hours AND in brackets, 7 additional hours. My question is, am I right, not only legally but ethically, in not wanting to pay for these extra hours? She has absolutely ZERO quota on the number of emails she needs to respond to and she has ZERO deadlines of any sort. She is choosing completely herself to do these extra things. Thank you for your advice.

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3 years ago

(Sep 06, 2022 08:15)

What do I do?

I have a sealcoating company in Maryland, I did a job for a lady and she was satisfied ( she paid ) a few days later she starts complaining about the job because there are “ marks “ I tell her that it was done by hand and there is going to be marks. She knew it was going to be done by hand before she officially hired my company. She tells me to come and touch things up for her on the job and I said okay. So I went and touched up everything she told me to and she said “ it looks a lot better, thank you! “ then a few days later I see that the full payment of $916.70 was disputed and taken out of my bank account. What do I do? I understand she’s not satisfied with the job. But does that give her grounds to take her money back? Should I take her to small claims court? Will I win? This is my first year in business and I don’t know much about this. Any help / advice / expertise is appreciated. Thank you!!

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3 years ago

(Sep 06, 2022 05:52)

should I cold call or present the product in person?

I have some premium wines I might start selling and need to build a customer base? Should I cold call or present the product in person? Especially with the price of gas?

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3 years ago

(Sep 06, 2022 07:00)

TALL ORDER: The new law creates a 10-member Fast Food Council, along with two state officials, empowered to set minimum standards for wages, hours, and statewide working conditions. Link in bio.

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3 years ago

(Sep 06, 2022 07:11)

Wireless seatbelt

I thought it would be a great idea to have wireless seatbelts or in other words seatbelts but the belt is Bluetooth. I know some people don’t like wearing seatbelts for various reasons so I came up with this.

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3 years ago

(Sep 06, 2022 07:51)

Six books to read now: the 2022 Booker Prize shortlist

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3 years ago

(Sep 06, 2022 11:01)

New entrepreneur here. Thinking about starting a new shaved ice business. Instead of trying to appeal to the masses, I’m trying to appeal to those to go to mass. Which design do ya’ll think is more professional?

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83% up

3 years ago

(Sep 06, 2022 08:45)

Just published: Front page of the Financial Times, international edition, for Wednesday 7th September

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3 years ago

(Sep 06, 2022 07:29)

How did you determine your product market fit?

My startup sees a wide variety of customers, ages between 16-65. This obviously makes things tougher as we determine who to prioritize our advertisements towards. Any suggestions?

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3 years ago

(Sep 06, 2022 09:16)

Where to buy fake Google reviews?

Does anyone know where I can safely purchase fake Google reviews? I know a lot of you will say it's not a good idea but this is what I'm looking to do so I would appreciate comments suggesting where I can purchase them instead of criticism. Thank you!

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40% up

3 years ago

(Sep 06, 2022 08:54)

Categorizing Income

Yes I know this isn't r/businessaccounting but I hope this is a simple one. While categorizing the cost of shipping a client a product, would that fall under cost of goods sold? Thanks in advance!

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3 years ago

(Sep 06, 2022 06:55)

Best FREE website builder?

tl;dr - minimally a free distribution list service Helping someone set up a very small craft business that will likely not do enough commerce to justify a subscription to Wiz, Shopify, or Squarespace. Are there any free alternatives? Etsy comes to mind but wanted to see if there was something on the free tier that also had the ability to create a distribution list. If not, what do you recommend for a free distribution list so they can build up a following via newsletter before later launching a website?

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3 years ago

(Sep 06, 2022 06:39)

Have You Ever Been Invited Onto a Podcast? - What Did You Say?

Have you ever been invited onto a podcast? * How did they contact you? * Had you heard of the podcast before? * Did you say yes or no? * If Yes, what was the number 1 reason they said yes if they said yes * If no, what would've made you say yes? I'm doing some research into podcast guest outreach - Any input is appreciated!

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Wowso is better on mobile app version!

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