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2 years ago

(Jun 09, 2023 04:29)

HARVEST MOON - 45ml/1.5oz Rye Whiskey - 15ml/0.5oz Apple Brandy - 30ml/1oz Lillet Blanc - 7,5ml/0.25oz Green Chartreuse - 3 dashes Aromatic Bitters - - - - - HOW: Stir with ice / Strain in coupe / Garnish. - - - - - A 2007 creation by Daniel Eun, for PDT's Winter Menu, as published in the PDT Cocktail Book. The Harvest Moon is one of those drinks that screams "modern classic cocktail renaissance". It's built in such a way that you can almost taste it by reading the ingredient list, yet you still want to order it/make it anyway, because you just KNOW it's gonna rock. Quality ingredients, stirred to perfection. - - - - - #rittenhouse #rittenhouserye #ryewhiskey #chartreuse #lairds #applebrandy #calvados #lillet #lilletblanc #greenchartreuse #angosturabitters #cocktailbitters #pdt #speakeasybar #pleasedonttell #stirreddrinks #stirrednotshaken #cocktailculture #cocktails

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