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2 years ago

(May 15, 2023 12:16)

Putting the baby ducklings away for the night. We’re trying to train them to walk up the ramp into their house in the evening. I love the sound their little feet make as they stampede inside! This little flock is a breed called Cayuga that is said to be quiet and they turn shiny beetle black when they are fully grown. We got them to help keep the slug population in check. Ducks are much less destructive than chicken but are quite messy and require access to water (we give them a kiddie pool) . If you have trouble with slugs in your garden, they do an amazing job.

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2 years ago

(May 15, 2023 12:25)

I start planting our dahlias today & I kinda feel like Rocky jumping around psyching myself up for the big fight. The labels are made, the bins are ready…. here we go, let’s do this! πŸ‘ŠπŸ» Pictured: Cafe au Lait Sweet Nathalie Irish D Porter Tahoma Early Dawn Camano Zoe Wine Eyed Jill Bloomquist Tory P Irish Ruffles Roque Starburst #flowerfarm #flowerfarmer #flowerfarming #dahlias #blush #summerflowers #flowers #gardening #cutflowers #freshflowers #localflowers #washingtonflowers #pnw #stanwood #dahliafarm #thefarmhouseflowerfarm

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Floral Design Class with our β€œGarden Gems” series happening this Friday, May 19th at fleurs.creative in Snohomish, WA. The Garden Gem classes are held during the summer months when my cutting garden is blooming away and any supplemental flowers are from neighboring farms. It’s a wonderful way to enjoy and appreciate seasonal blooms. Who is this class best suited for: Everyone and anyone interested in creating a flower arrangement. Floral designers who work in flower shops or specialize in florals for weddings, gardening enthusiasts, hobbyists looking for a creative outlet, flower farmers, DIY brides, truly anyone interested in designing a flower arrangement. It’s the perfect class for beginners! Details and signup on or click on link in bio.

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2 years ago

(May 15, 2023 03:41)

From our family to yours we hope you all had a very Happy Mother’s Day! #flowerfarm #flowerfarmer #flowerfarming #thefarmhouseflowerfarm #farm #localflowers #cutflowers #summerflowers #pnw #stanwood

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