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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 08:56)

“We must address the trend toward passive viewing habits among young people, and we need to bolster their ability to critique and regulate their own usage.” @colnoc77 latest @irishexaminer article tackles influencers and algorithms. Worth a read 👇🏻

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 05:48)

Circumcision - whyyy?

Apart from for religious reasons, why do parents in the US tend to circumcise their baby boys? It's so strange for many other countries. I've lived in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and other places and it's just not a thing.

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 06:00)

Considering different strategies to create the relationships that school counselors build with teachers, administrators, staff, students, and parents takes time and is a key part of their success. @carrl @edutopia

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 10:12)

“Authorities are warning parents about rainbow-colored fentanyl on the market after officials in multiple states have seized pills.”

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 05:57)

Ex is upset about child support order

On Tuesday this week my ex and I went to court for child support modification hearing. His support was set in 2013 at $210 a month. Tuesday it got set to $665 a month plus $201 for medical for our two kids. This morning he sent me a message saying I’m going to be the reason him and his wife lose their house and cars and he’s not going to pay the support. I didn’t respond back because I have better things to do than argue. The order begins on September 1 so their going to garnish his check unless he quits which if he does he’ll be the reason he looses everything not me. I’m not really sure if I need to show his text messages to the court but he went on a rant for most of the morning despite that I didn’t reply one time.

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 07:36)

Things we know for sure about raising teens: 1. They watch and listen to everything you do. ou were their first hero and you’re still their role model, and even though they seem like they’re in their own world now, they still watch you like a hawk.

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 08:00)

Because every little helps when you’re desperate to give birth right?

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 08:00)

📌How can I address a cyberbullying incident and communicate with the people involved? 🖊️Register for the free, 2 hour, online course for practical ways to tackle cyberbullying, and foster a positive school environment ↪️ #Edchatie

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 09:00)

For Ms. Taft, maintaining a meaningful emotional connection with a teenager during the pandemic has been a herculean task. And the roots of that disconnect may lie in children's emotional struggles. @cdpearson @nytimeswell

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 07:22)

“There’s an antidote for the harsh talk: self-compassion.” @amypaturel

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 06:12)

when did you start with ice cream/sugar?

Well the title says a lot. My daughter is 15 months old. And my mom is BEGGING me to let her buy my daughter an ice cream when we go out. My husband and I try to keep her away from sweets as long as possible. We did made ice with strawberry/banana/milk in a blender and freezing that. She really liked that on the hot days (and to be fair so did we, they were really good). But we can't take those with us if we go to an museum (my mom and I were at an outdoor museum with my daughter when she asked when she can finally buy her granddaughter an ice cream). So long story short: when did you guys start?

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 06:02)

How do you evaluate daycare quality?

I have read criticalscience's review of the literature on daycare, and I know that she/he mentions that high quality centers can mitigate some of the negative effects of daycare. How do you evaluate the quality of a daycare? What should I be looking for to help reduce the negative effects of daycare on my children? Caregiver ratio is one way but what are others?

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 10:10)

I’m on a business trip and I just got fat shamed by the hotel restaurant employee.

So here’s the thing, I’ve felt up and down about my body image since having my daughter (now 3). I used to struggle with an eating disorder and after my daughter I had PPD and gained a lot of weight during quarantine. But I started to love how I look and even though I still have my moments, I try not to be so harsh on myself. I’m super anxious already because I’ve been around my boss and clients all day. But it’s the EOD and I’m like, ya know what? I wanna eat because I’ve been flying for days and I kinda just wanna treat myself. So I got an order of tator tots, a burger, and fries. And a water. The employee said “wow?? Is all that for YOU??” And looked me up and down and then said “I can’t believe you’re spending nearly 40 dollars on food.” So I’m sitting here waiting on my food that now I feel like I shouldn’t have ordered and now I just wanna go back to my room and cry. Sorry if it sounds stupid but I am just, i don’t know. I feel really lousy.

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 07:03)

C-section proposed after little one measuring 9 pounds 13 ounces at 37 weeks…

I posted this also on /r/babybumps also…. But… Anyone else have this situation come up? I think I’m fine with a c-section. Baby has been measuring big the entire time and seems to be looking at 10 pounds plus when we do the c-section at 39 weeks. But if you’ve been through this, any tips or recommendations on how to prepare mentally and physically? Did you recover ok? What helped recovery? Should I be planning to be in bed for a week or so? What side effects did you experience? Did you breastfeed or bottle feed? I’m so nervous 😬

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