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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 08:54)

Does yoga really help with anxiety/panic attacks?

I know generally the answer is yes but I would like to hear from people whom have suffered from severe anxiety and found Yoga as a solution. I have PTSD from my time in the military and have debilitating anxiety and panic attacks almost daily from it. Meds and treatment from the VA have proven to be largely ineffective in combating my mental health issues and I am now exploring any other means to help said issues. I am looking for any kind of solutions desperately and wanted to please hear how yoga did and did not meet your expectations in regards to anxiety. It would help me so much and thank you in advance if you respond. Have a great day.

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 08:00)

It's time to open up those tight hips.

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 09:56)

Stranger captured me in a state of bliss!

I was focusing on balancing myself with my eyes closed, listening to the waves crash all around me. Meanwhile, a stranger was capturing this moment for me. He said that I intrigued him and inspired him, that my energy caught his attention so he wanted to send the picture over to me. So grateful he did, it is not often that I can actually look back on moments like these due to being fully present without any technology. Just thought I would share :)

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 07:53)

Something funky going on with my hip

Hey, So a few weeks ago I was laying on my back, pulling my legs open in a wide-legged fold. This was stupid, as it was outside of my current pose in the ashtanga series. Anyways. I popped my hip out or something, and now it's extremely tight. I heard a weird crunch too. It's the back inner side of my thigh (my hamstring?) I went to the doctor, and she said because I can still walk I haven't broken or torn anything. I took a two week break from yoga and started again last week. It feels okay...but if I sit criss cross during meditation, my whole leg goes numb. It also is still very tight and won't seem to relax. I can't progress in the ashtanga yoga series because I'm afraid that my hip will do that again. I'm worried it will never recover. Has anyone had this happen or know what it is? It's so frustrating.

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 05:00)

Try these yoga shoulder stretches from Sage Rountree to unlock tight muscles and ease upper-body achiness.

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 04:00)

Trauma-informed yoga is an individualized approach to teaching rather than a specific style. Learn more about trauma-informed yoga, including the benefits, how to teach it, and where to get trained in this article from Healthline (@healthline):

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 03:30)

Burnout or chronic stress can come in many forms based on the individual. The effects can be physical and psychological, interfere with relationships & jobs and can cause an array of physical ailments over time. Movement is YM's TOP suggestion when it comes to battling stress!

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 02:15)

Hello all! New to this page and need help with hamstring flexibility and lower back issues please

So whenever i bend down in any way yoga related or not by lower back bends well early So let’s say I stand straight legged and lean down to touch the floor. At about 70-80 degrees from standing straight by back starts to bend So with a bent lower back I can touch the floor fairly comfortably. When forcing myself to keep a straight back I can’t even hit a 90 degree angle Does anybody have any techniques or routines I can use to fix this Thanks all!

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 12:16)

A Side Body Stretch Gentle Yoga Flow | 15 min Side Body Stretch: Stretch & Destress

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 04:47)

Advice for jogging to a yoga class

Greetings friends! ​ I have signed up for a yoga class that takes place 1 mile from my home, which I am very much looking forward to! I would prefer to walk, bike, or jog to the class, as it is so near. For walking and biking, I believe my current yoga bag will do quite well to carry my mat and water bottle. I don't think it's well designed for a jog, however (it's a bit clunky), and I wondered if any of you had encountered this before and found a good solution. ​ Thank you for reading and considering!

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 08:33)

2022 Recommendation on Yoga Studios in Rishikesh?

Hi friends, I (30M) am looking to do a trip in 2022 to do my 300h YTT in (most likely) Rishikesh. I'm wondering if any of you have been this year (or in the last few years) and how your experience was. Which studio did you choose and why, what was your experience like, do you have any recommendations or suggestions to pass on regarding your experience? Thank you

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 06:37)

Toe Stand

I've been training for a marathon for the past few months which has really impacted how deep I can get into certain poses. One I'm really struggling with (which I never have before) is toe stand. I can do it fine balancing on my right foot but when I do it balancing on my left foot my right thigh will not come down. That whole area - my hip thigh and glute just doesn't feel as open as my left side. Any advice how I can open it more?

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 01:37)

Yoga for Chronic body pain

Hi I’ve had severe chronic pain all over my body since injuring myself in the gym 5 years ago not a lot has worked for me my whole body is basically very tight and riddled with nerve pain the main source of pain is in my lower back upper back and knees and then the rest is tightness spread all over form those areas. Been to plenty of physios nothing worked tried a massage once which did wonders for my lower back but have been advised against it by physios saying it’s dangerous. So anyways I’ve decided to try hot yoga but have found that it’s highly disliked amongst this community. So which practice would you say is perfect for chronic conditions? Also I’ve tried hatha yoga it wasn’t for me could be that the instructors weren’t very helpful or just because it caused a lot of pain in my knees with certain movements.

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 04:26)

is it safe to come back to the studio post COVID?

Hi, I haven't been inside a yoga studio (been virtual mostly) since 2019 when the panini hit. Is it safe to come back? How is the risk of getting COVID?

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3 years ago

(Aug 25, 2022 02:13)

Spleen Earth Element Balancing Yoga for Late Summer, Early Autumn

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Wowso is better on mobile app version!

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