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3 years ago

(Aug 26, 2022 06:00)

Reflection encourages students to evaluate and understand their mistakes while supporting a growth mindset to develop either solutions or action plans to improve their skills in order to master a topic or standard. @DavinaARuiz1 @edutopia

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3 years ago

(Aug 26, 2022 05:28)

Nobody cares about your kids as much as you do, stop sharing photos of your kids

There has been a video circulating around recently of Kristin Cavillari on some interview show. She said *"nobody cares about your kids as much as you do, stop sharing photos of your kids"* which was met with applause from the panel especially because this sentiment came from someone who is a mom herself. I'm a mom and I love seeing photos & updates of people's kids! Childhood friends, old friends, current friends, family friends, coworkers, old neighbors, anyone. So, do you enjoy when others share photos of their kids? Or do you share the same sentiments as Kristin?

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3 years ago

(Aug 26, 2022 07:22)

“Talk to your son about his views on abortion…Explain why you think it's important for him to understand the issue: Roe v. Wade being overturned could have a major impact on his life”

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3 years ago

(Aug 26, 2022 07:21)

What to do about the kid nobody likes

My son is 11 and he has a great group of friends that come over to our house and play for hours. Everyone gets along great. But there's one neighborhood kid I'll call "James". Nobody seems to like James. And James doesn't seem to want to play what the other kids are playing. He often just comes to our house and eats our food, plays on our iPad by himself, and irritates the other kids if he does engage them. Yesterday that all escalated and all the kids were bullying James. I sent everyone home because while James is irritating, I'm not okay with how they treated him. All the kids say James is the problem - and now I want to tell James he can't come over anymore because he creates drama every time. But I feel awful. Is this the right thing to do? If so, how to do it without hurting this child's feelings? I am very aware of how traumatizing it is to be ostracized. And the other kids are also in the wrong for how they treated him, but he keeps coming back.

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3 years ago

(Aug 26, 2022 06:49)

What is your strongest “science based parenting” opinion?

What is the thing you feel most strongly about about parenting that (as you see it) is most backed up by science? An example (trying not to pick a super controversial one!) would be: The standard childhood vaccine schedule is safe and effective and the correct choice for the vast majority of kids. (Caveat - I know science is always evolving and everything can be debated. I just wondered if people had to zero in on places where it seems like we have the strongest evidence what you would pick.)

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3 years ago

(Aug 26, 2022 06:49)

I wipe things all day. That's what I do.

I saw a post recently of someone saying that they got asked what they do all day as a SAHP. I thought about this and had kinda a hard time putting it into words. Then I realized.. I wipe things all day. I wipe counters, tables, tears, butts, chairs, floors, faces, hands, toilets (potty training a boy), screens, feet. You name it. At any given point, I'm probably wiping something, or about to.

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3 years ago

(Aug 26, 2022 08:15)

Drove a mom and her 3 kids home from the grocery store

She left empty handed because her husband was having a … moment. (She just kept saying he gets mad easily) he wouldn’t hand over her belongings. I asked how I could help and she just wanted to go home. Would it be okay to return to her address with some food from my pantry? Nothing extravagant, mostly stuff I got from the food pantry myself and never ate — plus an unopened gallon of milk and carton of eggs… Would y’all feel strange about it or blessed? I also put a pack of diapers and wipes, and some period supplies I all got from a church during a diaper drive. Is this too much? I’m a little worried her husband will be there… idk… She said he’s not physically abusive he just gets mad easily. My dad pulled the same shit when we were kids so I just wanna help idk. I’m feeling really fucking emotional about it all. Even though my situation isn’t great, I’m thankful my husband wouldn’t do this to me. I feel so sad. My mom went through all this shit too

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3 years ago

(Aug 26, 2022 09:35)

Thoughts on Repeating Kindergarten

My son a young 6, born in July. He just finished Kindergarten in public school and we switched to a catholic school for 1st grade. His teacher mentioned today that we may want to consider sending him back to kindergarten for another year due to his maturity. Has anyone done this with their kid? Any thoughts? I see her point, but the school year already started a week ago.

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3 years ago

(Aug 26, 2022 05:34)

Does anyone else not have cutesy photos of themselves from when they were a kid/teen?

I don’t know what to flair this as and it’s definitely not specifically mom related but has everyone seen that teenage dirtbag trend going on right now? Like where you add photos of yourself in your teen years doing silly random stuff? I have literally NO PHOTOS doing stuff like that. There are no photos of me as a silly teen or hanging out with my friends because my friends didn’t take photos of me and I was never allowed out to do fun stuff like that anyways. Like I actually had my friends show up at my house one time to try to convince my parents to let me out and it was a no and I got in trouble. My teen years were such a bummer honestly 🙃 I wish I’d been more rebellious and that my parents had let me do normal teenager stuff - I was 19 when I finally had enough and started sneaking out because my parents still wanted me home by 5 o’clock every day and 19 year old me decided that was absolutely crazy. Anyone else grow up with super strict parents?

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3 years ago

(Aug 26, 2022 08:09)

Pros and cons to being “one and done”

We have a 16 week old little girl. She is the most wonderful little angel and we love her so much. My husband and I have always said we want 2 kids. But after having 1, part of us thinks maybe we don’t want another? Pouring all of our love, attention, resources at our one kid sounds so lovely (and not having to go through the newborn phase again lol!) But at the same time, we want her to have a sibling, and it would be great to have another little to love on! What are your thoughts and opinions? Honestly just curious what other parents think!

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3 years ago

(Aug 26, 2022 05:43)

How Many Diapers

My baby shower was out of town and since the guests knew we were traveling we weren’t gifted any diapers. Lots of Amazon gift cards though! I’ve seen a lot of charts like [this one](BabylistGuide recommendations on how many boxes to buy. Would you say they’re accurate or a good place to start?

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3 years ago

(Aug 26, 2022 07:43)

LK Baby Heavy Duty Car Trunk Organizer #Review via @ParentingPatch #containers #lkbaby

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3 years ago

(Aug 26, 2022 06:50)

Blood lead level in baby

Hi there. To all the parents that live in areas where they test for blood lead levels at 9 and/or 12 months, what was your babies results? I’m just wondering what is average or typical. I live in Bay Area in an old home and my 10 month old’s results done through venous blood draw are 1.6 ug/dL (mcg). I know that is below the 3.5 mcg level where intervention would be needed, but my cousins baby who lives down the street is >1ug/dL so made me curious. I know about lead safety and have made our home as safe as we can. I think the source is our water, but if his blood lead level is typical for Bay Area (or other areas with older homes), not sure if it’s worth getting newer piping. Thank you!

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3 years ago

(Aug 26, 2022 06:44)

How do you break up with someone?

My dudes. I’m 38 and I don’t know how to break up with a man. A little backstory. We’ve been seeing each other since February. It’s really not that serious. He’s not met my kids. I have met his parents. We get together like once a week. I’m just…over it? I seriously need like steps here. I need this to be over, but I don’t want to hurt him. He’s a nice guy. It’s just lacking something for me that I can’t quite articulate. BroMos…help.

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3 years ago

(Aug 26, 2022 05:50)

Using a different short form of name

From the time our kid was born, we gave him a name that had a short form (think Michael, and we called him both Michael and Mike). One grandparent decided to start calling him Mich (like mitch). Despite us saying that isn't his name, and to use one of the regular forms. We were ignored. We are now at the point where the kid is asking why his grandparent calls him the wrong name. It is starting to impact their relationship (and if I am honest it drives me nuts). Grandparent now exclusively calls the kid the wrong name. He doesn't seem to acknowledge that the kid HATES it, even when explicitly asked not to do it. WWYD if a grandparent refused to call a kid by his actual name?

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