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3 years ago

(Aug 28, 2022 06:05)

To cosleep or to not cosleep?

There is so much conflicting info about sleep. I hear that countries where cosleeping is most common have the lowest rates of sids, you also hear that cosleeping can lead to higher if it isn't done correctly. I have heard that the benefits 8 extra hours of skin to skin contact can be amazing. You also hear a lot of fear and warnings about cosleep, but a lot of sleep studies show that it may actually be safer and lower sods risks if you do it sober and that no baby has been smothered by a parent when done without blankets and no drugs or alcohol are involved. Sleep studies show that cosleepers get more sleep on average than non, but people still feel really uncomfortable about it. There is so much out there. What do other people do? Do you cosleep and if so do you feel like it is safe? Do you not and why?

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3 years ago

(Aug 28, 2022 07:30)

The days are long, the years are short.

Just a friendly reminder to go hug your kids while you still can. My oldest (of 3) just turned 11 and I'd be lucky to get a hug a month. I feel like she was a baby in my arms seconds ago.

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3 years ago

(Aug 28, 2022 06:00)

Jamil Jan Kochai searched for more than a decade for Susan Lung — the second-grade teacher who had changed his life over 20 years earlier. And the two were finally reunited at one of his book-reading events. @vanromo

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3 years ago

(Aug 28, 2022 06:53)

My daughter just got her first period

I'm looking for some guidance. I wasn't close with my mom, and she basically just embarrassed me when I got my period. Loudly announced it to my dad when I had asked her not to. Never offered me advice on products, didn't believe my cramps were painful, etc. Moms, what did your mom do for you that you appreciated? Parents, how have you handled this with your child in a way that seemed appreciated? I knew this was coming soon (she's 11), so she already owns period underwear and swimwear, appropriately sized pads, and is armed with knowledge. We just had a talk about tampons and cups, she's uninterested for now. I was told by someone to not say "you're a woman now" or anything like that, just in case she doesn't feel like a being a woman or more adult-like. So I didn't say that. But I'd love to know what I can buy her or say to her to show support and help her feel good about this new stage of life?

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3 years ago

(Aug 28, 2022 07:00)

📚 #Teachers looking for resources to explore topics such as privacy, respectful communication, false information, digital citizenship, image-sharing, and rights online? 📢 Order hard copies or download our Primary and Post-Primary resources for #free. #Edchatie #sphe

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3 years ago

(Aug 28, 2022 08:07)

What do you think about parents having sex while hosting a kid's sleepover?

Ok, I gotta see what the general consensus is on this because I saw this question posted in a different sub and the replies shocked me. Now I'm curious if I have an unpopular opinion or if there's more of a demographic divide. Do you think it's ok or inappropriate for a couple to still have sex while their kids have friends staying the night?

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3 years ago

(Aug 28, 2022 09:32)

Going outside with a newborn?

Hi there, I’m a FTM and gave birth 9 days ago. I had an uncomplicated pregnancy and birth and am feeling great overall. I really miss being outdoors and would like to take my newborn out on walks around the neighborhood, but my family insists that the baby and I stay indoors for 3 weeks. I’m Korean American and it’s traditional for Korean moms and newborns to stay indoors for 21 days after delivery. My doctor told me it’s ok to take the baby outside at any point now but it does give me a bit of anxiety since I’ve been drilled the “21 days” rule over and over. When did you guys starts taking your newborn out on walks?

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3 years ago

(Aug 28, 2022 06:21)


I know it’s early but I was wondering if you guys were going to do Santa, and if so how. We aren’t sure if we want to do Santa or not. On one hand, it’s lying to your kid, but on the other hand, I don’t want my kid missing out on childhood fun. But I also don’t want my child ruining Santa for other kids, or having Santa ruined for her if other kids spoil it. US only please! (Also I have no judgement on whichever you choose. I just want to know if the majority is still doing Santa or if that’s changed.) [View Poll](

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3 years ago

(Aug 28, 2022 09:08)

"Until we figure out how to teach our Black boys and at scale with excellence, Maryland cannot say that it is providing a high-quality education" - Mohammed Choudhury (@moh_choudhury), State Superintendent @MdPublicSchools

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3 years ago

(Aug 28, 2022 06:54)

Kindergartener missing first day

So my 5 year old woke us up at 3am this morning saying she had a headache and belly ache. She laid in bed with us and at 5am she woke up and vomited. Her 4 year old sister woke up and vomited at 8am. My 5yr old is supposed to start school tomorrow and idk what to do. She has been couch bound all day. She won’t eat but has been drinking plenty of fluids. She does feel warm to the touch but not hot. Covid test was negative. It’s 3pm here and she has been sleeping on and off all day but she said she feels better. Just tired. So what do I do… see how she feels in the morning or keep her home? Ugh. She is so excited to start school too.

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3 years ago

(Aug 28, 2022 10:04)

Letting little kids pick their own clothing

I’m interested to hear what people think. I pretty much allow them to dress how they want. My daughter is wearing an old Christmas pageant dress to Texas Roadhouse tonight. I just don’t care what a little kid wears! I’ve noticed it drives other parents crazy when I let them wear what they want to wear. So, parents, do you let your small children wear what they want? Why or why not?

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3 years ago

(Aug 28, 2022 08:44)

Are you struggling to raise iron levels in your child? We love Spatone liquid does the job without them even knowing #win #parentingtips #healthcare

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3 years ago

(Aug 28, 2022 09:24)

Being a single parent fucking sucks

I'm lonely all the time. And it feels even worse when I have my kid. I suck at this game. I'm a 35 yo grownass adult, with no light at the end of my tunnel. She's only 6 and I can barely keep my shit together. How do I keep my depression from affecting her without driving myself further into my spiral? Fuck I need help

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3 years ago

(Aug 28, 2022 08:29)

Caring less about time with parents and in-laws

Father of a 9 month old here. Since having my son, I could honestly care less about spending time with parents/in-laws. When I do, it feels like I’m missing out on quality time with my wife and child… it’s gotten to the point where it almost feels like a burden to spend time with other people. Especially when they show up unannounced at 4pm on a Sunday and want to go to dinner at 7… and my whole night is gone. Anybody else feel this in their bones?

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3 years ago

(Aug 28, 2022 08:01)

Our generous partners @Aldi_Ireland have given us a pair of wkend @EPfestival tkts. To win, hit the link, donate a min of €15 & choose "I am donating €15 to enter for 2 tickets to Electric Picnic 2022" from the menu. Winner announced Aug 30th Good luck!

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