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2 years ago

(Jun 04, 2023 07:45)

Customer keeps asking for breakdown of price for a small custom cake.

I get this is not my customer. If I were to break everything down it'd probably come out to more than quoted. Not sure what to say. I already said that's the price. The end. And they keep asking.

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2 years ago

(Jun 04, 2023 06:00)

Anyone else feeling the crunch of this bad economy?

I've run a mostly successful auto repair shop for 20 years and this year is beginning to feel like 2008 again, which was our worst year. I'm making enough to keep the doors open and cover my expenses but it's difficult. I know the economy isn't strong and we are living post covid times with inflation, I'm just wondering if anyone else is experiencing something similar? Call me crazy but it makes me feel better if I'm not the only one going thru this.

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2 years ago

(Jun 04, 2023 09:02)

How do I get rid of left over stock from my failed business?

Long story short I set up an Amazon business/ebay/business website to sell beauty accessories during the pandemic. I did my own branded products. Initially I was selling well and also using Facebook ads to sell products on my own business website. But then ad costs went through the roof, the ads were less effective and I just lost a ton of cash. I am in the process of closing the business. But I have stock cluttering up my little flat like literally open a cupboard and there they are. It is quite depressing! Any one have any ideas to get rid of it??? I don't even care giving it all away for free as long as the shipping costs are covered. I thought about sticking a job lot on ebay but as I no longer have the business ebay account (closed it) would I be able to sell it on my person ebay account or would they think I was a business??? Any sensible ideas welcome. I am UK based for added information.

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2 years ago

(Jun 04, 2023 08:53)

Updated my Website (Help)

I finally updated my website. I would appreciate any feedback. Is it easier to navigate? Any more improvements needed in your opinion? Still plan to do additional SEO Optimizations. I appreciate anyone that can give me honest feedback. I feel like it's much improved from where it was just 2 weeks ago. Thank you in advance.

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2 years ago

(Jun 04, 2023 06:31)

My TikTok has around 170k followers and I want to make some money but I don’t know how. Help appreciated.


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2 years ago

(Jun 04, 2023 07:51)

Anybody use an HYSA from a bank where an (S) Corp can be the account holder?

In another thread hear today I learned about Goldman Sachs' Marcus account, a trustworthy and higher-yielding HYSA, but also that they only accept private individuals as account holders. I'd rather not do an owners draw for cash that might need to go back into the company. Refunding the company isn't a big headache of course but that's two more accounting steps than zero. Would be simpler to just transfer between banks directly and, even better, to get out of the podunk small-town bank I use and into one where I can do all my business banking in one place, checking and HYSA both. Any suggestions? In California.

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2 years ago

(Jun 04, 2023 06:03)

Correct Form for Filing Quarterly Taxes

I am a single-member LLC that does IT consulting. I have an EIN, which I used on the W9 that I submitted to the company I'm working for. I am currently being paid on a 1099 and looking to make my first quarterly tax payment. I'm not sure which tax form I should be using? The 1040-ES only has room for my SSN. Form 941 looks like it is for people who employ other people. Can someone else in a similar role tell me which form they use? I would be so grateful.

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2 years ago

(Jun 04, 2023 08:54)

Will be living in Nevada soon but work in California and am about half and half in each, where should I register my new business?

I am a small business owner currently living in California, but soon I will be moving to Nevada. I’m curious as to where I should register my new business as I am moving shortly. I was self-employed in California for the past two years, I work in e-commerce With natural supplements and healthcare products. I just recently am ready to start my LLC or corporation. I need some advice as to where I should structure my business. I purchase a lot of my products from California companies and we have a warehouse there that we also package and distribute products as well. I don’t know if I’m going to move it to Nevada as we are in a long-term lease for two years, so I’m wondering if this causes an issue with setting up a corporation or LLC in Nevada supposed to California. Any advice would help. Thank you!

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2 years ago

(Jun 04, 2023 10:51)

Looking for a High Effort High Reward ONLINE business, NOT a get rich quick

If you were.... In the uk 21 years old, Driven, A Dad, Solo Bill payer, Not much disposable income. what would you do in my shoes? As the title says, I'm looking for something to sink some serious online time into. I do mobile sales during the day via appointments, some days ill have 5/6/7 hours of free time where I'm effectively treading water. Don't believe in getting "rich" quick or (truly) passive income. Not looking for a side hustle. **No Door dash, Uber, or "second jobs" yknow.** Again I really don't mind spending a large chunk of time working but need effective ideas to pursue. Looking to start small, put the hours in, and come out the other side with a high-earning business / pursuit / money maker. Ive spent hours on here looking at different threads and reading posts, nothing suits. All either doesnt work or earns too little. Open to all (relevant) suggestions from you kind people taking time out of your day to reply :)

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2 years ago

(Jun 04, 2023 08:42)

How do I provide documentation to my contract worker of their wages?

I hired my daughter as a contract worker to help out in my new business. She needs documentation of her income for the apartment she is trying to rent. How do I provide this to her? TIA

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2 years ago

(Jun 04, 2023 06:04)

Question about cash back credit cards used for purchasing inventory

If I use a cash back CC and purchase inventory for my business, I understand that the cash back earned would be subtracted from my purchase price to get my cost of good(s) (ex: I buy something for $100, have a 2% cash back cc, my cost for the item is now $98 in my books) - but how does it work for travel points? I don’t need to deduct anything from my cost of goods if my cc is used to get travel points as opposed to hard cash back, right?

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2 years ago

(Jun 04, 2023 06:07)

Starting a clothing brand need advice.

Hello, I'm seeking guidance as I embark on the journey of establishing a clothing brand. I've successfully created my Shopify website and registered a corporation with the help of an accountant. With a budget of $1000, I am uncertain about the most effective purchases and marketing strategies for my brand. Currently, my approach involves sharing design mockups created through Procreate on social media, while actively searching for a suitable manufacturer. I am open to any advice or mentorship . Please find my website at (I genuinely seek assistance and not self-promotion).

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2 years ago

(Jun 04, 2023 10:04)

What AI tools do you use for your business?

I've been browsing through a few reddit posts about business owners using AI for their business and I'm curious what tools everyone has been using. I most recently heard about using ChatGPT + Whimsical to make brainstorming easier. I'm sure I can find the link to the post/article if anyone wanted to read up on it. For my photography/videography business, this is actually a great resource for brainstorming shot plans or various pitches to potential clients and saves me hours of time. I'm still creating a list of problems I'd like AI to solve for me, but I'm limited to my own imagination. What sites or software do you use to accomplish tasks for your business?

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2 years ago

(Jun 04, 2023 10:52)

Hey, decision makers, quick question

Im a couple of days away from launching a productized service. Im starting a social media subscription service that wants to change the way normal agencies work. A flat monthly fee, unlimited revisions and whole social media work (designs, captions, video edits, branding). Would love to know what you think about this and what would you'd like to add to a subscription like this. Would it be something you’d be interested in paying for your business?

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Wowso is better on mobile app version!

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