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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 07:00)

BREAKING: Banking giant Fidelity to offer #Bitcoin trading to its over 34 million retail clients - WSJ

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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 07:23)

Celsius is Canceling already paid out Rewards that they used to trick people into depositing money into their platform before their Bankruptcy

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100% up

3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 07:13)

BREAKING: Banking giant Fidelity to offer #Bitcoin trading to its over 34 million retail clients - WSJ

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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 06:27)

Brother of ex-Coinbase manager pleads guilty to insider trading charge

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79% up

3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 06:35)

Starbucks owns $MATIC

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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 07:25)

Spend crypto, earn crypto. Spend with the #Binance Visa Card to earn #BUSD rewards, and enter in with a chance to win 1 #BTC! Find out more ➡️

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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 09:25)

The White House Wants To Ban Bitcoin. Do You Really Think It's About The Environment?

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84% up

3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 07:21)

Good night lovely people 🙏🧡💤

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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 09:41)

what's the biggest mistake you made

Underneath a different post a couple of redditors were talking about their biggest screw up. Either not investing in something or getting scammed. Since people can learn from mistakes and they're usually good for a laugh let's share them here. I'll start (I'm cheating I have a couple): - Not selling at 69k when I had the feeling we were way over extended. Greed got the better of me. - Losing interest after the 2018 crash where I lost some money. This would've been the perfect moment to just DCA over 2 years . - I used a leverage yield farm, alpaca finance, but did it with a stable coin and an altcoin. Because of a slump in the market the leverage had me liquidated. If I used two altcoins to farm I would lose some value because of the price movement but since they would both fall I would not be liquidated. This was just me not knowing what I was doing. So what's yours?

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86% up

3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 06:54)

Who is Craig Wright? A summary of the man claiming to be Satoshi and suing people who claim he is lying.

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71% up

3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 09:53)

Financial Advisor at major bank recommended crypto to my parents

I was having a conversation with my parents today and they have been curious about my crypto investments for a while so they decided to speak to their financial advisor about it. The results surprised me. She told them and I quote; "You need to be investing in crypto, the potential upside of the space is too hard to ignore and you want to be exposed to it before it becomes integrated with our everyday lives" I was surprised to hear this because I have heard stories from others that banks will try to actively discourage you from anything related to crypto. This is a representative of one of the biggest banks in Canada that is recommending this. They have another meeting with her tomorrow to discuss adding crypto to their investment portfolio. Maybe she is just a hodler 🤔 either way though it got me excited. If she ends up shilling them LUNC I will update the post.

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85% up

3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 09:40)

"What do you think of #bitcoin and blockchain?" "A very interesting development" — King Charles III 🇬🇧

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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 09:12)

King Charles III on #Bitcoin: It's a "very interesting development."

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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 07:27)

Something is happening

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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 06:36)

Thanks for your advice guys!!!! I went ahead and added the plywood to vent the air out of my house! Thanks to your guys' advice! (Feel free to laugh at my carpentry skills) Cheers!!! She's profitable again now, too!!!

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94% up

Wowso is better on mobile app version!

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