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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 05:51)

Parents that said their partner will be “better when the baby gets older” do they?

Just sick of being a broken record, nagging to get any help with anything, I keep telling myself it will be better when she’s older and can play more, but does it actually?? I just can’t carry on doing absolutely everything for my 6 month old and the house! We have had many conversations about this met with him being upset and promising to help yet that never ever happens. I’m going back to work soon, and if It’s going to be like this the rest of my life the. Please let me know now 😩😩

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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 05:54)

#PhysicalLiteracy is when kids have developed the skills, confidence, and love of movement to be physically active... for life! Try a variety of structured and unstructured activities with your kids! Find loads of ideas on 🏃 🤸 🧘 🚴‍♀️

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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 10:20)

What's your unpopular parenting opinion?

For me, I let my kid run wild outside with very little limits. Wanna eat dirt and grass? Sure, give it a try. Wanna roll in the mud? Go ahead. Wanna play in the creek? Big splash!

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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 07:06)

Prenatal cannabis exposure associated with mental disorders in children that persist into early adolescence

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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 09:22)

Parents of redheads

Anyone else have the elusive red headed unicorn that everyone feels the need to stop and tell you about their best friend’s daughter’s sister in law that also has red hair. I swear everywhere I go with my daughter I get stopped so someone can tell me about all of the red heads they’ve known their whole lives 🤣

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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 08:29)

help with kid weight

I took my 7 almost 8 year old to the doc for coughing. They weighed him..... he is 100lbs at almost 8. I know he needs to slim down. How do I do this without giving him an eating disorder or negative body imaging.

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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 05:47)

“…the more you try to control a teen, the less likely you are to achieve your desired outcome.” #mondaythoughts #parenting

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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 06:00)

One way to support the growing needs of all students is through the strategic use of volunteers and community members. @AMasonPrincipal @edutopia

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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 05:46)

“The research, published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, found that teens living in areas with trusted and involved adults can still develop critical social skills that a mother-child bond early in life didn't nurture.”

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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 06:10)

Food Introduction

Ok, I've known and heard mixed things. I'm a FTM. My kid is 5.5 months old. Sitting up by herself. Rolls over. All that fun stuff. What food did you start introducing to them at that age? Especially if I don't want to go the store baby food route. Like, can I just mash up stuff and let her hand feed to let herself figure it out? I know she still needs her formula for hydration reasons and other nutrient reasons. My husband wants to do mashed potatoes at 6 months like he did to his first grandmother was telling me I should be giving her soft veggies and let her explore that way. I just feel kind of lost since again, I'm new to this... I would really like some other parents input. What did y'all do? If you have a rude comment, keep it to yourself. Not looking for negative nancies here.

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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 06:45)

How to respond to toddler that asks “why are you laughing at me?”

Hi all, I’m looking for advice on how to respond to my toddler (M 2.5y). Three times in the last week he’s asked me “why are you laughing at me?” when he made me laugh by doing something cute or silly. This is new, and the first time I’ve ever seen him feel insecure. I’m not laughing AT him of course, my laughter comes from a place of delight but he’s a sensitive kid and I hate the thought that I might be making him feel insecure. So far I’ve responded with “I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing because you’re so silly and what you just did was really funny and made mommy laugh!” He seems happy with that explanation and goes right back to happily enjoying our playtime but I just want to know if this is actually a good way to handle it? Or should I instead make an effort not to laugh spontaneously when he’s being cute and try to only laugh when he’s being intentionally funny so as not to elicit the “why are you laughing at me?” question at all?

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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 10:31)

Where do you change diapers in the United States?

I’m currently travelling with a baby and staying in California. I haven’t seen a baby diaper changing facility anywhere. I asked someone who said they use the trunk of their car (but I’m mostly walking everywhere). Is this non existent here? If I change my baby outside in a bench or similar, is that considered ok?

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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 08:35)

How do you get things done with a newborn?

Have a 5 week old. I looooove my contact naps but I do need to start being able to do little tasks around the house. Or even a little self care to feel like a human. My daughter is either sleeping on me (wakes up if try to put her anywhere else), nursing, or is fussy and needs to still be in my arms to be soothed. Any expert parental advise?!

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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 08:08)

I just need you to follow through.

Look man, I still kind of love you. It’s waning by the day with your lack of effing follow through. We are barely hanging on financially. I NEED you to finish your VA claim paperwork. It’s been 2 effing years since you retired. I also need you to make your doctor’s appointments. I understand you’d rather listen to podcasts about “owning the libs”🙄🙄🙄🙄, but I am literally googling how to get a divorce in our state. I need you to follow through. You are more like your father than you’d like to admit.

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3 years ago

(Sep 12, 2022 09:14)

I’m just happy

I hope I’m using the right flair btw! In the mornings when my son wakes up he says “walk” and points at our door and says “shoes!” Like wow!What a process, he’s expressing what he wants and knows that he needs his shoes before we can go for a walk!! He’s 21 months and I’m just in awe at this wonderful little guy. It’s a journey seeing him grow. That’s all

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