What's a hill you're willing to die on as a parent?
For me, I refuse to share any identifiable photos/videos of my baby online. Idc if people choose to do it for their kids, but I won't be doing it for mine. I understand everyone will have different opinions/beliefs about whatever gets posted here, but this is more for what you personally believe for your family.
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Can I burn candles around my baby?
My LO is 5 months now and I really miss lighting candles around my house. I see conflicting information online and am not sure which articles are more based on scientific research than others. With that being said I’ve completely stopped lighting candles in my house out of an abundance of caution. Can someone give me science-based information on the safety of candles around my baby and if there are types of candles that are safer than others? Thanks!
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Do you ever contact your child’s teacher?
My kiddo is in third grade and she missed a day of school last week. She complained to me that she missed something the class learned in math and she was really confused by it. We were trying to help her, but she doesn’t bring home any materials or her math book. It’s only the second full week of school. I really don’t want to be a bother to her teacher, but I also want to try to help my kid. Would it be annoying to send a message just asking for an idea on what they’re doing so I can help at home? I’m so new to all of this and I overthink pretty much everything.
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My daughters recently started school and my son is napping
AND THIS IS AMAZING. My husband works from home, and we totally banged at 11:45 am on a Wednesday (WHAT). Up until now, it's been years of just me juggling three kids under school age 24/7 trying not to come COMPLETELY unglued. That's it, that's the post.
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The Pack n Play free fall
How, HOW do you put your LO down in a pack n play? We've just moved out of the bassinet into the pack n play due to her rolling over now. We didn't get the one where the mattress moves up and down (didn't even know that existed). When I rock her to sleep for nap time, she always wakes up on the absolute free fall to the bottom of the pack n play and proceeds to roll around for a while never falling back to sleep. How do you do it??
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Safe sleep milestones. When is baby old enough?
I know the simple answer for when you can somewhat relax about safe sleep guidelines is one year old but I have a strong feeling that this is an oversimplification so that people don’t mess up. Nothing magical happens overnight on the first birthday so most likely there are some milestones that happen around that time that make some things okay. Specifically I’m looking to introduce a lovey to help my girl soothe herself. There might be a chance she’s ready before she’s one but also not impossible that a kid is one year old and still not ready to graduate. What are the actual things to look for? Yes, I know the AAP says “one year” but what is that tied to?
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Husband/Spouse Appreciation
Listen. I understand that our husbands/spouses are expected to be present just as much as us moms are. There is no excuse for them to do any less than us. And I know we don't get extra appreciation for all that we do, but still. Im tired of the *only* things I read on this page about husband's/spouses are the stories of them being deadbeats. I want to read some positive things! What does your husband/spouse do that you really appreciate? Even if it's expected, let's hear some good news and share some positive vibes!
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My son is holding me hostage
Today this kid fell asleep in my lap, cradled in my arm. Usually I'd just transfer him to his crib where he usually naps but today.... *today* he's on to me. Every time I move, or laugh, or speak he cracks one eye open to let me know he's watching. Sometimes he leaves it cracked to really drive the point home. Like a tiny little dictator. Pretty sure he's working with my husband who is moving about freely and watching golf videos on YouTube which I am unfortunately also forced to watch, given my hostage situation.
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How do you cope in the world where everyone can record?
I witnessed something sad and shocking while at a park. A dad playing with his kid allowing the kid (maybe 4-6 years old?) to climb the small tree; a mother came up and started recording him saying she’s going to report him for child endangerment because the child could hurt itself climbing the tree. She took pictures of his car license plate and kept recording him and yelling she will report him to the protective services. I was thinking what an innocent thing that’s happening that I did as a kid. The dad was flustered.
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The following graphic–and the embedded stages and questions–can be helpful in your planning, or to distribute to students as they make sense of what could be a new (for them) approach to learning. @TeachThought https://t.co/gI1vuUx47w
What is the deal with strollers?
I'm a new parent to a little boy, and we have a nanny share, so we need a stroller that takes two kids. I've been looking at and researching strollers since before he was born, and I don't understand why nobody makes a really nice stroller. Basically, you can get the Graco crap which is plastic and flimsy and doesn't handle the bumps on the sidewalk well, or you can spend 4x as much for an Uppababy/Nuna, which is metal and plastic and still flimsy. If Uppababy/Nuna is the Caddilac/Lincoln of strollers, who makes the Bugatti of strollers? I want something that's rock solid, made of titanium and carbon fiber. I don't care if it's $3k. It seems like this should exist, but it doesn't.
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Am I overreacting?
My son (almost 2) started daycare part time last week. I brought him with a sweater he loves that has cars on it.. and when I picked up it wasn’t on him.. oh we’ll probably in his bag. I get home and it’s not there. I brought it up with his teacher next day at pick up and she said it’s in the classroom somewhere and she will put in his cubby. A new week starts at daycare and I asked today about the sweater and the teacher says she’s not sure where it is. I look in lost and found and it’s no where. To be honest, I’m pissed. How do you just lose a sweater? I’m a single mom on a budget paying out of pocket for daycare and I think expecting what my child comes in to be on his body or in his cubby isn’t a crazy expectation.
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Sometimes our kids need downtime after school and sometimes it seems like they could run a race! For ideas on how to channel that energy, go through this list for some inspiration! 20 simple ways to get active with your kids after school: https://t.co/t6oovzPUPL https://t.co/rmRp48kmRP
Back at work 2 weeks postpartum
I’m so emotional and sad. I feel so guilty for leaving my baby. My stitches haven’t even healed and my breasts are leaking and I smell bad and I’m bleeding and I just feel awful. I’m sorry I just wanted to vent as I sit here and cry.
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Screen time general questions
I have some general questions about screen time and I just wanted to see what others thought. For what it’s worth, I’m a FTM and my baby is 4mo so I’m coming at this completely clueless: 1. Do you limit screen time and if so, how much? 2. What is considered screen time? If dad is watching football and baby is watching too, does that count? 3. Do you only allow specific shows for baby and if so, which ones? Thanks in advance! 🙏
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